
Mon Jan 22 18:00:46 GMT 2018, none


The goal of the set of public services is to provide a platform for collaborative creation and communication. Connected clients can chat, edit a wiki, send auto-opening web links and references to files, upload to a shared ramdisk, and access a read-only version of the root filesystem used by the grid servers, with a library of installed software.

Scripts for connecting to and using the grid services are included in versions of ANTS released after February 2018. You can also make use of everything manually from other distributions of Plan 9. Read the Connecting page for more details.

Sun Jan 21 21:52:42 GMT 2018, none


The goal of the set of public services is to provide a platform for a collaborative creation and communication. Connected clients can chat, edit a wiki, send auto-opening web links and references to files, upload to a shared ramdisk, and access a read-only version of the root filesystem used by the grid servers, with a library of installed software.

Scripts for connecting to and using the grid services are included in versions of ANTS released after February 2018. You can also make use of everything manually from other distributions of Plan 9. Read the Connecting page for more details.

Sun Jan 21 21:41:03 GMT 2018, none


The goal of the set of public services is to provide a platform for a collaborative creation and communication. Connected clients can chat, edit a wiki, send auto-opening web links and references to files, upload to a shared ramdisk, and access a read-only version of the root filesystem used by the grid servers, with a library of installed software.

Last modified Sun Jan 21 21:41:03 GMT 2018 [ Current version | History | Create a new page ] About the server | Powered by Plan 9